1. Christian Demeter, Christopher Pleatsikas, and Kevin Hollenbeck, A Comparative Analysis of the Life Cycle Costs of Compliance Coal Versus Noncompliance Coal With Regenerable FGD Equipment at Brandon Shores Units 1 and 2, Urban Systems Research and Engineering, Inc., Washington, D.C., BS-80-1 (2 Volumes),
September 1980:
Volume 1, Main Report: NTIS No. PB81-145401
Volume 2, Detailed Computer Output
2. Roger Brower, The Air Quality Impact of the Coal-Fired Brandon Shores Power Plant, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, BS-80-2
(2 Volumes), September 1980:
Volume 1 -- Text: NTIS No. PB81-144172
Volume 2 -- Appendices
Calvert Cliffs
1. David G. Cargo and Robert B. Biggs, Some Comments in Hydrographic Phenomena in the Chesapeake Bay, With Special Reference to the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-69-1, September 30, 1969
2. Calvert Cliffs Monitoring Program, Martin Marietta Laboratories, CC-74-1, March 1974
3. Henry Obremski, A Reference Station Method for Assessing Power Plant Effects on Temperature, Salinity, and Dissolved Oxygen (Preliminary Evaluation -- Calvert Cliffs), Research Inst. for Advanced Studies, Martin Marietta Corporation, PPSP-MP-5, March 1973
NTIS No. PB-296160
4. Henry Obremski, Analysis of Calvert Cliffs Reference Station Measurements (Temperature, Salinity, and Dissolved Oxygen), Martin Marietta Laboratories, PPSP-MP-10, March 1974
NTIS No. PB-296250
5. William A. Richkus, Preliminary Evaluation of Calvert Cliffs Finfish Trawl Studies, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-75-1, January 1975
6. Description of Aquatic Programs at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-75-2, March 1975
7. Review of Socio-Economic Impacts of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant on Calvert County, Maryland and Comparison with Kent County, Maryland, Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff, CC-75-3, January 1975
8. A.F. Holland, Analysis and Evaluation of Pre-operational Benthic Data at Calvert Cliffs, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-76-1, January 1976
9. Calvert Cliffs Chemical Thermometer Thermal Plume Study, PPMP Technical Note Number 76-2, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-76-2, 1976
10. A Review of Oysters and Soft-Shell Clam Data from Calvert Cliffs Monitoring Studies (1970-1975), PPMP Technical Note Number 76-3, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-76-3, August 1976
11. John S. Wilson, et al., Supplement to Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Facility Monitoring Program Finfish and Blue Crab Population Distribution Studies Data Report - 1975, Chesapeake Bay Inst., The Johns Hopkins Univ., CC-76-4, 1976
12. H.J. Obremski, Calvert Cliffs Thermal Plume Survey, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-76-5, 1976
13. A.F. Holland (MMC), K. Kaumeyer, N.K. Mountford, A. Hiegel,and J.A. Mihursky (UM), Results of Benthic Studies at Calvert Cliffs, Interim Report on August and December 1976 Community Data and March 1977 Oyster Spat and Shell Survey, Martin Marietta Corporation and Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-77-1, July 1977
NTIS No. PB-280279
Cover, Table of Contents, and Sections I-VI (2.4 MB)
Appendix A (908 KB)
Appendix A, continued (1.2 MB)
Appendix A continued, Beginning of Appendix B (1.2 MB)
End of Appendix B (1.3 MB)
Appendix C (194 KB)
14. W.A. Richkus, Summary of Current Findings: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Aquatic Monitoring Program, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-77-2, April 1977
NTIS No. PB-277085
15. W.A. Richkus (MMC), T.T. Polgar (MMC), D. Heinle (UM), L. Lubbers (UM),and L. Beaven (UM), Analysis of Effects of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Operations on Holo- and Meroplankton of Chesapeake Bay, Martin Marietta Corporation and Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-77-3, 1977
16. K.V. Wood, L. Lubbers, W.R. Boynton, and J.A. Mihursky, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Facility Monitoring Program: Ichthyoplankton Program Troika Studies, Final Report 1976, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-78-1,
January 1978
17. A.F. Holland (MMC and UM), N.K. Mountford, M. Hiegel, K. Kaumeyer, D. Cargo, and J.A. Mihursky (UM), Results of the Benthic Studies at Calvert Cliffs, Annual Report on the August 1976 Through May 1977 Data, Martin Marietta Corporation and Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-78-2, December 1978
NTIS No. PB-294261
18. W.R. Boynton, W.M. Kemp, C.G. Osborne, and K.R. Kaumeyer, Metabolic Characteristics of the Water Column, Benthos, and Integral Community in the Vicinity of Calvert Cliffs, Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-78-3 (2 Volumes), October 1979:
Volume 1 -- Report; NTIS No. PB-289933
Volume 2 -- Data Set
19. Kenneth L. Zankel, et al., Acoustic Survey of Fish Distribution in the Vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-79-1, May 1979
20. Walter R. Boynton, William M. Kemp, Carl G. Osborne, and Kenneth R. Kaumeyer, Benthic Community Respiration in the Vicinity of Calvert Cliffs, Chesapeake Bay, 1977 - 1978, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-79-2, 1970
21. K.V. Wood, L. Lubbers, and J.A. Mihursky, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Facility Monitoring Program: Ichthyoplankton Program Troika Studies, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-79-3, January 1979
NTIS No. PB80-137375
22. Christopher F. D'Elia, Kent Mountford, M. Linton Beaven, and Steven L. Domotor, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Phytoplankton Entrainment Study, January 1978 - June 30, 1979, Final Report, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-79-4, November 1979
NTIS No. PB80-127020
23. Gail K. Lacy, Thermal Plume Studies in the Vicinity of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 1977 - 1978, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, CC-79-5, May 10, 1979
Cover, Table of Contents, and Pages 1-40 (1.9 MB)
Pages 41-80 (1.8 MB)
Pages 81-131, Appendix A pages 1-10 (2.2 MB)
Appendix A pages 11-52, Appendix B pages 1-4 (2 MB)
Appendix B pages 5-51, Appendix C pages 1-4 (1.9 MB)
Appendix C pages 5-24 (1.4 MB)
Appendix C pages 25-56 (1.4 MB)
24. John S. Wilson, Philip H. Jones, H. Robert Lunsford, and Joseph A. Mihursky, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Facility Adult Finfish and Blue Crab Population Dynamics Study, Final Report, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-79-6, 1979
25. Mark Homer and Walter R. Boynton, Stomach Analysis of Fish Collected in the Calvert Cliffs Region, Chesapeake Bay - 1977, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CC-79-7, 1979
26. W.A. Richkus, et al., Calvert Cliffs Acoustic Finfish Surveys - 1977, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-79-8, December 1979
NTIS No. PB80-154800
27. Donald H. Pritchard and Stephen R. Rives, Physical Hydrography and Dispersion in a Segment of the Chesapeake Bay Adjacent to the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant, Chesapeake Bay Inst., The Johns Hopkins Univ., PPSP-MP-26, August 1979
NTIS No. PB80-105968
28. A.F. Holland (MMC), N.K. Mountford, M. Hiegel, D. Cargo and J.A. Mihursky (UM), Results of Benthic Studies at Calvert Cliffs, Final Report, Martin Marietta Corporation and Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-MP-28, November 1979
NTIS No. PB80-119829
Cover and Table of Contents (490 KB)
Sections I to IV (1.9 MB)
Section V, Section VI pages 1 to 30 (2.2 MB)
End of Section VI, Section VII (2 MB)
Appendix A, Appendix B pages 1 to 30 (1.9 MB)
End of Appendix B, Appendix C pages 1 to 20 (1.4 MB)
End of Appendix C, Appendix D (1.4 MB)
29. B.P. Bradley, B. Boffen, P. Ketzner, and S. Harrison, Calvert Cliffs Zooplankton Entrainment Study, Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County, CC-80-1, March 1980
NTIS No. PB80-162191
30. William A. Richkus, et al., Summary of Findings: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Aquatic Monitoring Program, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-80-2, (3 Volumes), August 1980: NTIS No. PB81-106791 (Set)
Volume 1 -- Main Report; NTIS
No. PB81-106809
Cover pages, Chps I-III pgs 1-6 (2.0 MB)
Chp III pgs 7-11, Chps IV-VI pgs 1-14 (2.0 MB)
Chp VI pgs 15-40, Chp VII, and References (2.1 MB)
Volume 2 -- Appendices A-C; NTIS
No. PB81-106817
Cover pages and Appendix A pgs 1-49 (1.9 MB)
Appendix A pgs 50-99 (2.0 MB)
Appendix A pgs 100-149 (1.7 MB)
Appendix A pgs 150-161, and Appendix B pgs 1-40 (1.9 MB)
Appendix B pgs 41-74, and Appendix C pgs 1-24 (1.8 MB)
Appendix C pgs 25-81 (2.0 MB)
Appendix C pgs 82-127 (1.3 MB)
Appendix C pgs 128-152, and References (1.5 MB)
Volume 3 -- Appendices D-H; NTIS
No. PB81-106825
Cover pages and Appendix D pgs 1-31 (1.9 MB)
Appendix D pgs 32-96 (2.0 MB)
Appendix D pgs 97-101, and Appendix E pgs 1-52 (1.9 MB)
Appendix E pgs 53-107 (2.0 MB)
Appendix E pgs 108-162 (1.8 MB)
Appendix E pgs 163-214 (1.8 MB)
Appendix E pgs 215-221, Appendices F-H (2.0 MB)
31. Dennis W. Mulryan, et al., Calvert Cliffs Monitoring Program Data Directory, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-80-3, October 1980
32. A.F. Holland and M. Hiegel, Oyster Bottom and Spat Survey at the Calvert Cliffs Power Plant - December 1980, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-81-1, February 1981
33. M.H. Hiegel, Keith Fisher and George F. Johnson, Long-Term Benthic Monitoring Programs for the Mesohaline Chesapeake Bay, Interim Report, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corp.,
CC-82-1, May 1982
34. A.F. Holland, et al., Long-Term Benthic Monitoring Programs Near the Morgantown and Calvert Cliffs Power Plants - Annual Report for the First Year's Studies, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, CC-82-2, (3 Volumes),
April 1982:
Volume 1 -- Main Report; NTIS No. PB82-265307
Volume 2 -- Tables and Figs.; NTIS No. PB82-265315
Volume 3 -- Appendices A-E; NTIS No. PB82-265323
NTIS No. PB82-265299 (Set)
35. A.F. Holland, M.H. Hiegel, H. Hoffman, and C.F. Stroup, Long-Term Benthic Monitoring Programs Near the Morgantown and Calvert Cliffs Power Plants - Second Annual Report, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corp., CC-83-1, (3 Volumes),
August l983:
Volume I -- Text; NTIS No. PB84-l04512
Volume II -- Tables and Figs.; NTIS No. PB84-104520
Volume III -- Appendices A-F; NTIS No. PB84-115625
36. A.F. Holland, M.H. Hiegel, A.T. Shaughnessy, C.F. Stroup, and E.A. Ross, Long-Term Benthic Monitoring Programs Near the Morgantown and Calvert Cliffs Power Plants - Third Annual Report, Martin Marietta Environmental Systems, CC-85-1,
(2 Volumes), January 1985 :
Volume I -- Text
Volume II -- Appendices
NTIS No. PB85-197226/AS
37. A.F. Holland, A.T. Shaughnessy, M.H. Hiegel, and C.F. Stroup, Long-Term Benthic Monitoring Programs Near the Morgantown and Calvert Cliffs Power Plants - Fourth Annual Report, Martin Marietta Environmental Systems, CC-85-2, July 1985
NTIS No. PB86-119005/AS
Chalk Point
1. Jeffrey C. Weil, Measured vs. Predicted Plume Dispersion at
the Chalk Point and Dickerson Power Plants, Martin Marietta Laboratories,
PPSP-MP-8, April 1973
2. J.A. Mihursky, E.W. Gordon, and J.E. Cooper, The Effects of
Electric Station Operations on Organisms Pumped Through the Cooling
Water System, Macroplankton Studies at Chalk Point, Progress Report,
Natural Resources Inst., Univ. of Maryland, CP-73-1, October 1973
3. J.A. Mihursky, J.E. Cooper, E.W. Gordon, and L. Lubbers, The
Effects of Steam Electric Station Operation on Organisms Pumped Through
the Cooling System, Macroplankton Studies at Chalk Point, Final
Report, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Univ. of Maryland,
CP-74-1, March 1974
4. Jeffrey C. Weil, Preliminary Analysis of Chalk Point Air Plume
Data (September 1973 to February 1974), Martin Marietta Laboratories,
CP-74-2, June 1974
5. F.K. Mack, Preliminary Analysis of Geohydrologic Data from
Test Wells Near Chalk Point, Prince Georges County, Maryland,
U.S. Dept. of the Interior, CP-76-1, 1976
6. J.A. Mihursky, A.J. Gatz, Jr., and V.S. Kennedy, Report on
the Effects of Temperature on Activity and Mortality of the Sea Nettle
(Chrysaora quinquecirrha) with Discussions of Implications to the
Siting and Management of Power Plants in Maryland, Natural Resources
Inst., Univ. of Maryland, CP-77-1, April 1977
7. A.F. Holland (MMC), M.H. Hiegel, D.G. Cargo, R.V. Lacouture, N.
Mountford, and J.A. Mihursky (UM), Interim Report on Benthic Community
Studies at Chalk Point: January 1978 - July 1978 Data, Martin
Marietta Corporation and Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of
Maryland, CP-79-1, April 1979
NTIS No. PB-299721
8. C.G. Osborne, et al., Community Metabolism and Nutrient Dynamics
of the Patuxent Estuary Interacting with the Chalk Point Power Plant,
Interim Report covering the period January - August 1978, Chesapeake
Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CP-79-2, February 1979
9. E.M. Setzler, et al., Chalk Point Steam Electric Station Studies-Patuxent
Estuary Studies, 1978 Data Report on Ichthyoplankton Population Studies,
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CP-79-3, June
NTIS No. PB80-126006
10. R.E. Miller (UM), T.T. Polgar (MMC), and P.A. Souza (MMC), Qualitative
Results of a Blue Crab Tagging Study in the Patuxent River, Center
for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Univ. of Maryland and Martin
Marietta Corporation, CP-79-4, December 1979
NTIS No. PB80-139991
11. Assessment of Ground Water Usage of Chalk Point Power Plant,
Task 1 Report, Trident Engineering Associates, Inc., Annapolis, CP-79-5,
February 5, 1979
NTIS No. PB81-210262
12. Joseph Mihursky and Walter Boynton, Review of Patuxent Estuary
Data Base, Final Report, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ.
of Maryland, CP-80-1, April 1978
NTIS No. PB80-141336
13. A.F. Holland (MMC), M.H. Hiegel (UM), D.G. Cargo (UM), and N.K.
Mountford (UM), Results of Benthic Studies at Chalk Point,
Interim Report, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corporation
and Chesapeake Biological Laboratories, Univ. of Maryland, CP-80-2,
January 1980
NTIS No. PB80-173669
14. T.T. Polgar (MMC), R.N. Ross (MMC), and Gail K. Lacey (PANS),
Analysis of Patuxent Estuarine Currents in the Vicinity of the
Chalk Point Steam Electric Station, Environmental Center, Martin
Marietta Corporation and Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,
CP-80-3, March 1980
NTIS No. PB80-170129
15. W.R. Boynton (CBL), W.M. Kemp (HPEL), C.G. Osborne (CBL), and
E. Spalding (CBL), Results of Benthic Respiration/Sediment Nutrient
Flux Studies at Chalk Point; Data Description and Statistical Analyses,
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory and Horn Point Environmental Laboratories,
Univ. of Maryland, CP-80-4, June 1980
NTIS No. PB80-202757
16. J.H. Hixson, III, Screen Impingement and Potential Auxiliary
Pump Entrainment, Final Report, Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia, CP-80-5, June 5, 1980
NTIS No. PB80-204902
17. J. A. Mihursky, M. Homer, P.W. Jones, and R. Bradford, Jr., Fish
Community Studies in the Patuxent Estuary, 1978 - 1979, Chesapeake
Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CP-80-6,
November 1979
NTIS No. PB80-209976
18. J.A. Mihursky, K.V. Wood, S. Kerig, and E.M. Setzler-Hamilton,
Chalk Point Steam Electric Station Studies - Patuxent Estuary Studies,
Ichthyoplankton Population Studies, 1979 Final Report, Chesapeake
Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CP-80-7, April 1980
NTIS No. PB81-111312
19. M. Homer, W. Caplins, and J.A. Mihursky, Condition Factors
and Length/Weight Regressions Associated with Certain Fish Species
Near the Chalk Point Power Plant, Patuxent Estuary, Maryland - 1978
- 1979, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CP-80-8,
December 1980
20. M. Homer, et al., Patuxent Estuary Fish Survey: Cooperative
PPSP/WPA Project - 1978, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ.
of Maryland, CP-80-9, October 1980
NTIS No. PB81-138174
21. P.A. Souza (MMC), T.T. Polgar (MMC), R.E. Miller (UM), and A.F.
Holland (MMC), Results of Blue Crab Studies at Chalk Point: Final
Report to the Maryland Power Plant Siting Program, Environmental
Center, Martin Marietta Corporation and Center for Environmental and
Estuarine Studies, Univ. of Maryland, CP-80-10, November 1980
NTIS No. PB81-144024
22. Roger C. Binkerd, H. Gregory Johnston, and Joseph K. Comeau,
Physical Impact Evaluation of Chalk Point Generating Station's
Cooling Water System on the Patuxent River: Hydrographic Investigation
Using Fluorescence Tracer Techniques and Mathematical Simulation,
Aquatec, Inc., South Burlington, Vermont, CP-80-11, December 1979
NTIS No. PB81-142168
23. M. Homer, et al., Demersal Fish Food Habit Studies Near the
Chalk Point Power Plant, Patuxent Estuary, Maryland - 1978 - 1979,
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, CP-80-12, March
NTIS No. PB81-144065
24. A.F. Holland and M.H. Hiegel, Results of Benthic Studies at
Chalk Point, Final Report, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta
Corporation, CP-81-1,
March 1981
NTIS No. PB81-212680
Cover and Table of
Contents (220 KB)
I through IV (1.6 MB)
Section V, pages 1 to
45 (2.1 MB)
of Section V, Section VI, and part of Section VII (2.4 MB)
More of Section
VII (2 MB)
of Section VII, start of Section VIII (2 MB)
of Section VII, Appendix A (2.1 MB)
Appendix B (1.7 MB)
25. W.R. Boynton, et al. Estuarine Community Dynamics, Benthic
Programs, Patuxent River Estuary, Preliminary Data Report, Center
for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Univ. of Maryland, CP-81-2,
June 1981
NTIS No. PB82-108689
26. A.F. Holland and G.F. Johnson, Analysis of 1980-1981 Finfish
Data Collected Near the Chalk Point SES, Environmental Center,
Martin Marietta Corp., CP-82-1, January 1982
NTIS No. PB82-177601
27. Michael F. Hirshfield, J. Howard Hixson, III, and Elgin S. Perry,
Chalk Point Auxiliary Pump Study 1981, Division of Limnology
and Ecology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, CP-82-2,
March 26, 1982
NTIS No. PB82-198763
28. Assessment of Groundwater Usage at Chalk Point Power Plant,
Trident Engineering Associates, Inc., Annapolis, PPSP-MP-40, July
NTIS No. PB83-101782
29. W.R. Boynton, et al., Estuarine Community Dynamics in Relation
to Power Plant Operations, Center for Environmental and Estuarine
Studies, Univ. of Maryland, CP-82-3, August 1982
NTIS No. PB83-101915
30. Frederick K. Mack, Judith C. Wheeler, and Stephen E. Curtin,
Water Level Declines in the Magothy Aquifer in Southern Maryland
Related to Increases in Pumpage, Maryland Geological Survey, CP-82-4,
31. Stephen B. Weisberg, Fred Jacobs, William H. Burton, and Richard
N. Ross, Report on Preliminary Studies Using the Wedge-Wire Screen
Model Intake Facility, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corporation,
CP-83-1, November 1983
NTIS No. PB84-l77955
32. Stephen B. Weisberg, William H. Burton, Eric A. Ross, and Fred
Jacobs, The Effects of Screen Slot Size, Screen Diameter, and Through-Slot
Velocity on Entrainment of Estuarine Ichthyoplankton Through Wedge-Wire
Screens, Martin Marietta Environmental Systems, CP-84-1, August
NTIS No. PB85-185379
33. Stephen B. Weisberg, William H. Burton, and Eric A. Ross, The
Effect of Biofouling on the Exclusion Efficiency of 2 mm Wedge-Wire
Screens, Martin Marietta Environmental Systems, CP-84-2, November
NTIS No. PB85-186666/AS
34. S.B. Weisberg, C.F. Stroup, A.F. Holland, and E.A. Ross, Biofouling
Potential on Fine Mesh Wedge-Wire Screens and a Test of Some Mechanisms
for Biofouling Control, Martin Marietta Environmental Systems,
CP-84-3, November 1984
NTIS No. PB85-183945/AS
35. Impact Assessment Report: Chalk Point Steam Electric Station
Aquatic Monitoring Program, Martin Marietta Environmental Systems,
January 1985
NTIS No. PB85-218097
Cover pages, and Chp I pgs
1-28 (1.8 MB)
Chp I pgs 29-37, Chp II, and
Chp III pgs 1-2 (1.8 MB)
Chp III pgs 3-6, and Chp IV
pgs 1-4 (2.0 MB)
Chp IV pgs 5-23, Chpt V, and
Chp VI pgs 1-9 (2.0 MB)
Chp VI pgs 10-20 and Chp VII
(1.8 MB)
36. Assessment of Compliance for the Chalk Point Steam Electric
Generating Station with Mixing Zone Criteria in COMAR,
Martin Marietta Environmental Systems,
CP-85-2, January 1985
NTIS No. PB85-248813
Covers, Table of Contents,
Chps I-VI (1.0 MB)
Appendices A - C (1.0 MB)
37. Selected Geohydrologic Characteristics of the Patapsco Aquifers
at Chalk Point, Prince Georges County, Maryland, Frederick K.
Mack, Maryland Geological Survey, Open File Report No. 88-02-04, 1988
38. L.C. Wendling and A.F. Holland, Evaluation of Auxiliary Tempering
Pump Effectiveness at Chalk Point Steam Electric Station, Versar,
Inc., PPER-CP-89-1, August 1989. NTIS No. PB89-23357/AS
Point Cooling Tower Project
1. Chalk Point Cooling Tower Study - Presentation at Cooling Tower
Environmental 1973 Symposium by University of Maryland, PPSP-MP-3,
February 1973
24. G.W. Israel and T.J. Overcamp, Meteorological Aspects of the
Chalk Point Cooling Tower Study, Meteorology Program, Univ. of
Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-M, July 1, 1972
3. Frederick M. Shofner and Carl O. Thomas, Measurement of the
Drift and Plume Characteristics of PEPCO's Chalk Point Unit #3 Cooling
Tower Phase One: Experiment Design, Final Report, Environmental
Systems Corporation, Knoxville, Tennessee, PPSP-CPCTP-1, August 1973
4. Thomas B. Carlson, Final Report Phase II, Fabrication and Procurement
of Equipment for the Period 1 September 1973 - 30 June 1974, Environmental
Systems Corporation, Knoxville, Tennessee, PPSP-CPTCP-2, September
3, 1974
5. C.L. Mulchi, J.E. Foss, D.C. Wolf, and J.A. Armbruster, Cooling
Tower Effects on Crops and Soils, Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project
Annual Report, July 1, 1973 - June 30, 1974, Dept. of Agronomy, Univ.
of Maryland, CPCTP-AR-1, July 1974
6. Jerry Pell, The Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project, presented
at Symposium on the Physical and Biological Effects on the Environment
of Cooling Systems and Thermal Discharges at Nuclear Power Plant Stations,
Oslo, Norway, August 26-30, 1974, PPRP-3, 1976
7. G.W. Israel and T.J. Overcamp, Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project
Annual Report, July 1, 1974 - July 25, 1975, Meteorology Program,
Univ. of Maryland, CPCTP-AR-2, 1975
8. C.R. Curtis, L.R. Krusbert, T.L. Rauver, and B.A. Francis, Field
Research on Native Vegetation, Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project
Annual Report, Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Maryland, CPCTP-AR-3, June
9. Paul O. Massicot, et al., The Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project
Integrated Experimental Design Document, CPCTP Steering Group,
PPSP-CPCTP-3, February 15, 1976
10. G.W. Israel (UM), Thomas Overcamp,1 Jeff Weil,2
M.L. Moon, J.H. Meyer, and T.W. Eagles (JHU), Experimental Design
Analysis, Chalk Point Cooling Tower Project Task Report, Univ.
of Maryland and Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins Univ.,
JHU-CP-2, February 20, 1976
1Clemson University
2Martin Marietta Corp.
11. James H. Meyer, Chalk Point Surface Weather and Ambient Atmospheric
Profile Data, First Intensive Test Period December 15, 1975, The
Johns Hopkins Univ., PPSP-CPCTP-4, March 1976 (Revised December 1976)
NTIS No. PB-284212
12. George J. Woffinden, Jerry A. Anderson, and Paul R. Harrison,
Aircraft Survey Chalk Point Cooling Tower Plume, December 1975,
Meteorology Research Inc., Altadena, California, PPSP-CPCTP-5, March
15, 1976
13. C.L. Mulchi, D.C. Wolf, J.E. Foss, and J.A. Armbruster, Cooling
Tower Effects on Crops and Soils, Water Resources Research Center,
Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-6 (2 Volumes), April 1976:
Volume 1 -- Preoperational Report: NTIS No. PB-284075
Volume 2 -- Appendix: NTIS No. PB-284076
14. C.R. Curtis, T.L. Lauver, and B.A. Francis, Cooling Tower
Effects on Native Perennial Vegetation, Water Resources Research
Center, Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-7 (2 Volumes), April 1976:
Volume 1 -- Preoperational Report: NTIS No. PB-286758
Volume 2 -- Appendices: NTIS No. PB-290159
15. Environmental Systems Corporation Seasonal Test Data for the
Period of December 15-19, 1975, Environmental Systems Corporation,
Knoxville, Tennessee, PPSP-CPCTP-8, April 7, 1976
16. Environmental Systems Corporation's Comprehensive Project
Status Report for the Period July 1, 1974 - October 1, 1975, Knoxville,
Tennessee, PPSP-CPCTP-9, (3 Volumes):
Volume 1 -- Salt Drift Measurement and Modeling, May 1976
Volume 2 -- Preliminary Data, May 1976
Volume 3 -- Initial Characterization Results, June 1976
17. James H. Meyer and Wayne R. Jenkins, Chalk Point Surface Weather
and Ambient Atmospheric Profile Data, September - December 1975,
The Johns Hopkins Univ., PPSP-CPCTP-10, July 1976
NTIS No. PB-284211
18. James H. Meyer and Wayne R. Jenkins, Chalk Point Surface Weather
and Ambient Atmospheric Profile Data, Second Intensive Test Period,
June 14-24, 1976, Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins
Univ., PPSP-CPCTP-11, January 1977
NTIS No. PB-284213
19. Environmental Systems Corporation's Comprehensive Project
Final Report for the Period October 1, 1975 - June 30, 1976, Environmental
Systems Corporation, Knoxville, Tennessee, PPSP-CPCTP-12 (2 Volumes),
April 1977:
Volume 1 -- Phase IV, Comprehensive Field Program Description
Volume 2 -- Summer Seasonal Test Data
20. J.H. Meyer and W.D. Stanbro, Cooling Tower Drift Dye Tracer
Experiment - Experimental Plan, Applied Physics Laboratory, The
Johns Hopkins Univ., JHU-CP-3, April 1977
21. J.H. Meyer and T.R. Whyte, Cooling Tower Drift Dye Tracer
Experiment - Field Operational Plan, Applied Physics Laboratory,
The Johns Hopkins Univ., JHU-CP-4, May 1977
24. C.L. Mulchi, D.C. Wolf, J.E. Foss, and J.A. Armbruster, Cooling
Tower Effects on Crops and Soils, Postoperational Report No. 1,
Water Resources Research Center, Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-13
(2 Volumes), July 1976
Volume 1 -- Report on Field Data: NTIS No. PB-284077
Volume 2 -- Salt Influence on Crops and Soils: NTIS
No. PB-284078
23. C.R. Curtis, T.L. Lauver, and B.A. Francis, Field Research
on Native Vegetation, Final Report FY 76, Water Resources Research
Center, Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-14, June 1976
NTIS No. PB-284209
24. G.J. Woffinden, P.R. Harrison, and J.A. Anderson, Chalk Point
Cooling Tower Plume Survey, Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena,
California, PPSP-CPCTP-15 (4 Volumes), November 30, 1976:
Volume 1 -- Technical Summary
Volume 2 -- Tabulated Data
Volume 3 -- Air Quality Data Plots
Volume 4 -- Droplet Size Data Plots
25. JHU/APL FY 1977 Final Report, Applied Physics Laboratory,
The Johns Hopkins Univ., PPSP-CPCTP-16,(3 Volumes), August 1977
NTIS No. PB-284057
Volume 1,-- Salt Loading, Modeling and Aircraft
Hazard Studies; NTIS No. PB-284058
Volume 2 -- J. H. Meyer and W. D. Stanbro, Cooling
Tower Drift Dye Tracer Experiment June 16
and 17, 1977; NTIS No. PB-284059
Volume 3 -- J. H. Meyer and W. R. Jenkins, Cooling
Tower Drift Dye Tracer Experiment Surface
Weather and Ambient Profile Atmospheric Data
June 16 and 17, 1977; NTIS No. PB-284060
26. B.A. Francis, Effects of Simulated Saline Cooling Tower Drift
on Woody Species, Water Resources Research Center, Univ. of Maryland,
PPSP-CPCTP-17, July 1977
NTIS No. PB-284214
27. C.R. Curtis, T.L. Lauver, and B.A. Francis, Field Research
on Native Vegetation, Water Resources Research Center, Univ. of
Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-18, June 1977
NTIS No. PB-284210
28. Charles L. Mulchi, Duane C. Wolf, John E. Foss, and James A.
Armbruster, Cooling Tower Effects on Crops and Soils, Postoperational
Report No. 2, Water Resources Research Center, Univ. of Maryland,
PPSP-CPCTP-19, August 1977
NTIS No. PB-284094
29. Environmental Systems Corporation's FY 77 Final Report for
the Period July 1, 1976 - August 31, 1977, Environmental Systems
Corporation, Knoxville, Tennessee, PPSP-CPCTP-20, December 1977 (2
Volumes), May 1978:
Volume 1 -- Phase V. Analysis and Archiving Program;
NTIS No. PB-284826
Volume 2 -- Cooling Tower Drift Dye Tracer
Experiment; NTIS No. PB-284827
30. C.R. Curtis, ed., A Selected and Annotated Bibliography on
Interaction Between Vegetation and Saline Aerosols, Sulfur Dioxide
and Ozone, Water Resources Research Center, Univ. of Maryland,
PPSP-CPCTP-21, November 1977
NTIS No. PB-284208
31. A Symposium on Environmental Effects of Cooling Tower Emissions,
May 2-4, 1978, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, PPSP-CPCTP-22 (Main
Report and Supplement), May 1978
32. C.L. Mulchi, D.C. Wolf, and J.A. Armbruster, Cooling Tower
Effects on Crops and Soils, Postoperational Report No. 3, Water
Resources Research Center, Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-23, July
NTIS No. PB-289271
33. G.W. Patterson, C.R. Curtis, T.L. Lauver, and G. Hosokawa, Native
Vegetation Study, Final Report FY 78, Water Research Center, Univ.
of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-24, June 1978
NTIS No. PB-289163
34. Chalk Point Meteorological Station Report, July 1, 1977 -
June 30, 1978, Environmental Systems Corporation, Knoxville, Tennessee,
PPSP-CPCTP-25, October 1978
NTIS No. PB-292279
35. Chalk Point Meteorological Station Report, Environmental
Systems Corporation, Knoxville, Tennessee, PPSP-CPCTP-26,(2 Volumes),
December 1979:
Volume 1 -- Data for the period July 1, 1978 through November 30,
1978, January 1979: NTIS No. PB81-132839
Volume 2 -- Data for the period November 15, 1978 through November
15, 1979: NTIS No. PB81-1321847
36. M.L. Moon, ed., Overview of the Chalk Point Cooling Tower
Project 1972 - 1979, Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins
Univ., PPSP-CPCTP-27, March 1979
NTIS No. PB80-182876
37. E.A. Davis, Environmental Assessment of Chalk Point Cooling
Tower Drift and Vapor Emissions, Applied Physics Laboratory, The
Johns Hopkins Univ., PPSP-CPCTP-28, March 1979
NTIS No. PB80-183460
38. C.L. Mulchi, D.C. Wolf, and J.A. Armbruster, Cooling Tower
Effects on Crops and Soils, Postoperational Report No. 4, Water
Resources Research Center, Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-29, July
NTIS No. PB81-120867
39. Environmental Systems Corporation's Final Report for the Period
October 1, 1977 - June 30, 1979: Drift Salinity Experiments, Environmental
Systems Corporation, Knoxville, Tennessee, PPSP-CPCTP-30, October
NTIS No. PB81-136244
40. J.A. Armbruster, Response of Corn and Soybeans to Saline Aerosol
Drift from Brackish Water Cooling Towers, Water Resources Center,
Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-31, October 1979
NTIS No. PB80-196835
41. Paul J. Mastradone, Trace Metal Deposition on Agricultural
Crops Near the Chalk Point Generating Station, Water Resources
Research Center, Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-33, November 1979
NTIS No. PB80-195050
42. G.W. Patterson, R.A. Galloway, B.A. Francis, and T.L. Lauver,
Native Vegetation Study, Final Report FY 79, Water Resources
Research Center, Univ. of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-34, June 1979
NTIS No. PB81-105249
43. Charles L. Mulchi, Cooling Tower Effects on Crops and Soils,
Postoperational Report No. 5, Water Resources Research Center, Univ.
of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-35, August 1980
NTIS No. PB81-205817
44. Charles L. Mulchi, Cooling Tower Effects on Crops and Soils,
Postoperational Report No. 6, Water Resources Research Center, Univ.
of Maryland, PPSP-CPCTP-36, July 1981
NTIS No. PB82-189317
Cove Point
1. Enviromental Resources Management, Inc. Cove
Point LNG Terminal Expansion Project Risk Study. PPRP-CPT-01,
June 2006 (Revised 14 January 2010). NTIS No. Unavailable
C. P. Crane
1. Roger C. Binkerd, H. Gregory Johnston, and Joseph K. Comeau, Physical
Impact Evaluation of the Discharge of Heated Water from the C.P. Crane
Generating Station, Aquatec, Inc., CPC-78-1,
October 1978
2. Robert A. Jordan, Charles E. Sutton, and Patricia A. Goodwin,
A Survey of the Late Summer Benthos Community in the Vicinity of
the C.P. Crane Generating Station, Virginia Institute of Marine
Science, CPC-79-1, March 1979
3. George C. Grant and Stephen P. Berkowitz, An Environmental
Assessment of the Summer Plankton in the Vicinity of the C.P. Crane
Generating Station, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, CPC-79-2,
January 1979
NTIS No. PB80-117054
4. George C. Grant and Stephen P. Berkowitz, An
Analysis of Phytoplankton, Microzooplankton and Mesozooplankton Populations
in the Vicinity of the C.P. Crane Generating Station During the Spring
Months of 1979 (3.8 MB), Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
CPC-79-3, September 1979
NTIS No. PB80-148208
5. Robert Brower, Air Quality Impact of Converting the C.P. Crane
Power Plant to Higher Sulfur Content Fuels, Environmental Center,
Martin Marietta Corporation, PPSP-MP-29, (2 Volumes),
October 1979:
Volume 1 -- Main Report: NTIS No. PB80-112808
Volume 2 -- Appendices: NTIS No. PB80-112774
6. B.L. Nichols, R. Anderson, W. Banta, E.J. Forman, and S.H. Boutwell,
Evaluation of the Effects of the Thermal Discharge on the Submerged
Aquatic Vegetation and Associated Fauna in the Vicinity of the C.P.
Crane Generating Station, Science Applications, Inc., CPC-80-1,
February 1, 1980
NTIS No. PB80-192313
7. Evaluation of C.P. Crane Generating Station Thermal Discharge
Effects on the Finfish Community, Interim Report, Texas Instruments,
CPC-80-2, February 1980
8. Barry L. Nichols and Richard R. Anderson, Evaluation of the
Effects of Thermal Discharge on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Growth,
NTSC Technical Services, CPC-80-3, August 25, 1980
NTIS No. PB80-227853
9. George C. Grant, Cathy J. Womack, and John E. Olney, Zooplankton
of the Waters Adjacent to the C.P. Crane Generating Station
(4.3 MB), Virginia Institute of Marine Science, CPC-80-4, August 1980
NTIS No. PB8l-110264
10. K.G. Sellner, et al., Phytoplankton Studies and Nutrient Concentrations
in the Vicinity of the C.P. Crane Generating Station, July 1979
through March 1980, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, CPC-80-5,
September 17, 1980
NTIS No. PB81-114746
11. Robert A. Jordan, Charles E. Sutton, and Patricia A. Goodwin,
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Population
Distributions in Relation to the C.P. Crane Power Plant Thermal Discharge
(10.1 MB), Final Report, Virginia Inst. of Marine Science, CPC-80-6,
November 1980
NTIS No. PB81-202566
12. Evaluation of C.P. Crane Generation Station Thermal Discharge
Effects on the Finfish Community, Ecological Services, Texas Instruments,
CPC-80-7, October 1980
NTIS No. PB81-132052
Cover Pages, Secs I-II
(1.9 MB)
Sec. III pgs. III-1 thru III-70
(2.0 MB)
End of Sec. III (2.0 MB)
Secs. IV-VI, Appendices A-B
(1.3 MB)
13. Evaluation of C.P. Crane
Generating Station Thermal Discharge Effects on the Finfish Community
- Summer 1980 (1.8 MB), Final Report, Texas Instruments, Inc.,
CPC-81-1, January 1981
NTIS No. PB81-154080
14. Fred Jacobs and Lynn E. Koontz, C.P. Crane Monitoring Program
Data Directory, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corp., CPC-81-2,
May 1981
15. Paul L. Zubkoff, A Preliminary Study of Community Oxygen Metabolism
in the Vicinity of the C.P. Crane Electric Power Generating Station,
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, CPC-81-3, June 1981
NTIS No. PB81-226177
16. Fred Jacobs, Impact Assessment Report: C.P. Crane Steam Electric
Station Aquatic Monitoring Program, Environmental Center, Martin
Marietta Corp., CPC-82-1 (2 Volumes), January 1983:
Volume 1 -- Text; NTIS No. PB83-179853
Cover and Table
of Contents (220 KB)
I through III (1.7 MB)
Sections IV and V
(1.5 MB)
VI through VIII (1.6 MB)
Volume 2 -- Appendices A-G; NTIS No. PB83-179861
Appendix A Pages
1-20 (1.4 MB)
Appendix A Pages
21-55 (1.5 MB)
Appendix B Pages
1-50 (2 MB)
Appendix B Pages
51-100 (1.9 MB)
B Pages 101-112 and Appendix C Pages 1-40 (2.2 MB)
C Pages 41-59 and Appendix D Pages 1-30 (2 MB)
Appendix D Pages
31-78 (2 MB )
Appendix E Pages
1-50 (2.1 MB)
Appendix E Pages
51-100 (2 MB)
E Pages 101-133 and Appendix F Pages 1-10 (1.6 MB)
Appendix F Pages
11-60 (2.1 MB)
F Pages 61-110 and Appendix G (2 MB)
Creek Hydroelectric Project
1. Temperature Simulation
Model for the Deep Creek Hydroelectric Facility (380 KB),
Versar, Inc., PPRP-DC-1, June 1997
NTIS No. PB99-137895
2. Youghiogheny River Temperature
Enhancement Protocol: Model Development and Results for 1995 and 1996
(6 MB), Versar, Inc., PPRP-DC-2, June 1997
NTIS No. PB98-133457
3. Survey of Noncommercial
Recreational Use of Whitewater in the Upper Youghiogheny River, 1996-1997
(420 KB), Versar Inc., PPRP-DC-3, June 1998
NTIS No. PB98-14885
4. Stephen P. Schreiner, Youghiogheny
River Temperature Enhancement Protocol for Operating Deep Creek Hydroelectric
Station: Model Development and Results for 1995-2000, Versar,
Inc., PPRP-DC-4, February 2001
NTIS No.PB2001-104517
5. Schreiner, S.P., J.R. Dew, and C.M. Bruce. Youghiogheny
River Temperature Enhancement Protocol for Operating Deep Creek Hydroelectric
Station: Model Development and Results for 1995-2005 Versar, Inc.,
PPRP-DC-5, DNR 12-8232006-163, August 2006
NTIS PB2007-105568
6. Stephen P. Schreiner, Jodi Dew-Baxter and Alan W. Klotz, Temperature
and Trout Habitat Enhancement for Operating Deep Creek Hydroelectric
Station: Operating Protocol Development and Results for 1995-2008.
Versar, Inc., and MDNR/Fisheries Service, March 2011 PPRP-DC-6, NTIS
7. Stephen P. Schreiner and Jodi Dew-Baxter Youghiogheny
River Temperature Enhancement Protocol : Results for 2009. Versar,
Inc., March 2010
8. Stephen P. Schreiner and Jodi Dew-Baxter Youghiogheny
River Temperature Enhancement Protocol : Results for 2010. Versar,
Inc., March 2011
9. Stephen P. Schreiner and Jodi Dew-Baxter Youghiogheny
River Temperature Enhancement Protocol : Results for 2011. Versar,
Inc., March 2012
10. Stephen P. Schreiner and Jodi Dew-Baxter Youghiogheny
River Temperature Enhancement Protocol : Results for 2012. Versar,
Inc., April 2013
11. Stephen P. Schreiner and Jodi Dew-Baxter Youghiogheny
River Temperature Enhancement Protocol : Results for 2013. Versar,
Inc., April 2014
12. Stephen P. Schreiner and Danielle R. Zaveta Youghiogheny
River Temperature Enhancement Protocol : Results for 2014. Versar,
Inc., March 2015
13. Stephen P. Schreiner, Danielle R. Zaveta and Brennan J. Smith
Youghiogheny River Temperature
Enhancement Protocol : Results for 2015. Versar, Inc., March 2016
1. Werner Furth, Calculated Impact of the Dickerson Power Plant
on Ambient SO2 Levels, Research and Development
Laboratory/RIAS, Martin Marietta Corporation, PPM-8, February 1973
2. Jeffrey C. Weil, Comparison Between Measured and Model-Estimated
Ground-Level SO2 Concentrations Downwind from the
Dickerson Power Plant, Martin Marietta Laboratories, PPSP-MP-11,
April 1974
NTIS No. PB-277080
3. Ann L. Abeles (FCC)3 and Allan H. Marcus (UMBC)4,
The Impacts of Emissions from the Dickerson Power Generating Station
on Five Species of Trees, The Maryland Academy of Sciences, PPRP-20,
March 1977
3Frederick Community College
4University of Maryland Baltimore County
4. J.K. Summers and F. Jacobs, Estimation
of the Potential Entrainment Impact on Spawning and Nursery Areas
Near the Dickerson Steam Electric Station (1.4 MB), Environmental
Center, Martin Marietta Corp., D-81-1, February 1981
NTIS No. PB81-166555
5. Fred Jacobs, et al., Technical Review of PEPCO's Revised Dickerson
SES 316 Demonstration, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corp.,
D-81-2 (2 Volumes), April 1981:
Volume I -- Main Report
(1.6 MB)
Volume II -- Supporting Documents
(1.6 MB)
6. Robin L. Vannote and Bernard W. Sweeney, Long-Term Monitoring
Studies in the Freshwater Portion of the Potomac River - Third Annual
Report May 1985 - December 1985, Stroud Water Reseach Center,
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, PPRP-MP-59, October
NTIS No. PB88-156625/AS
7. A.T. Shaughnessy and A.F. Holland, Long-Term Benthic Monitoring
Studies in the Freshwater Portion of the Potomac River 1983-1985,
Cumulative Report, Versar, Inc., CBRM-MP-60, (2 Volumes), December
Volume I -- Text: NTIS No. PB90-159971
Volume II -- Appendices: NTIS No. PB90-159989
Fly Ash Storage Facility
1. M. Erbe, R. Gwynn, and R. Keating, Report
on Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Passive Water Treatment Systems
at the Faulkner Fly Ash Storage Site, Charles County, Maryland,
Environmental Resources Management, Inc., FFAS-06-1, June 1, 2006
NTIS No. PB2006-110482
2. M. Erbe, R. Gwynn, and R. Keating, Evaluation
of Long-Term Surface Water and Ground Water Quality at the Faulkner
Fly Ash Storage Site, Charles County, Maryland, Environmental
Resources Management, Inc., FFAS-06-2, June 1, 2006
NTIS No. PB2007-101953
1. Aquatic Program Strategy (Morgantown), Research Inst. for
Advanced Studies, Martin Marietta Corporation, MT-72-1, October 1972
2. The Effects of Morgantown Steam Electric Station Operations
on Organisms Pumped Through the Cooling Water System, Final Report
for the Period July 1, 1972 - December 31, 1972, Natural Resources
Inst., Univ. of Maryland, MT-73-1, (3 Volumes), February 1973:
Volume 1 -- Main Report and Appendices 1 and 2
Volume 2 -- Appendices 3 and 4
Volume 3 -- Appendices 5 and 6
3. J.A. Mihursky, et al., The Effects of Steam Electric Station
Operations on Organisms Pumped Through the Cooling Water System,
Macroplankton Studies, Progress Report, Natural Resources Inst., Univ.
of Maryland, MT-73-2, August 1973
4. J.A. Mihursky, et al., The Effects of Steam Electric Station
Operations on Organisms Pumped Through the Cooling Water System, III,
Macroplankton Studies, Final Report, Natural Resources Inst.,
Univ. of Maryland, MT-74-1, March 1974
5. Hayes T. Pfitzenmeyer, The Effects of Morgantown Steam Electric
Station Operations on Organisms Pumped Through the Cooling Water System,
IV. Benthic Investigations, Final Report, Natural Resources Inst.,
Univ. of Maryland, MT-74-2, January 1974
6. Donald R. Heinle, Harold S. Millsaps, Jr., and Judith K. Lawson,
V. Zooplankton Investigations at the Morgantown Power Plant,
Final Report, Natural Resources Inst., Univ. of Maryland, MT-74-3,
January 1974
7. Henry Obremski, An Experimental Study of the Intake Flow at
Morgantown, Environmental Technology Center, Martin Marietta Corporation,
MT-75-1, January 1975
8. Tibor T. Polgar (MMC), George M. Krainak (MMC), and Hayes T. Pfitzenmeyer
(UM), A Methodology for Quantifying the Responses of Benthic Communities
to Environmental Perturbations, Martin Marietta Corporation, Chesapeake
Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, MT-75-2,
January 1975
NTIS No. PB-296242
9. William A. Richkus and Alice J. Lippson, An Evaluation of the
Impact of the Morgantown SES on Macroplankton Populations, Environmental
Technology Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, MT-75-3, February
NTIS No. PB-277082
10. Kenneth L. Zankel, Leonard H. Bongers, and William A. Richkus,
Acoustic Measurement of the Fish Densities at the Morgantown Steam
Electric Station, Environmental Technology Center, Martin Marietta
Corporation, MT-75-4, May 1975
11. Tibor T. Polgar, Leonard H. Bongers, and George M. Krainas, Assessment
of Nearfield Manifestations of Power Plant Induced Effects on Zooplankton,
Environmental Technology Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, MT-75-5,
April 1975
12. Thomas O'Connor, Investigations of Heavy Metal Concentrations
of Sediment and Biota in the Vicinity of the Morgantown Steam Electric
Generating Station, Environmental Technology Center, Martin Marietta
Corporation, MT-76-1, August 1976
NTIS No. PB-296223
13. Leonard H. Bongers, et al., The Impact of the Morgantown Power
Plant on the Potomac Estuary: An Interpretive Summary of the 1972-1973
Investigations, Environmental Technology Center, Martin Marietta
Corporation, PPSP-MP-15, December 1975
NTIS No. PB-296203
Cover, Table of Contents, Chp
I-III (1.8 MB)
Chps IV-Chp V (1.6 MB)
Chp VI and Chp VII pages 1 to
10 1.8 MB)
Chp VII pages 11 to 40 (1.8 MB)
Chp VII pages 41 to 51, Chp
VIII, and Chp IX (1.6 MB)
14. W.A. Richkus, K.L. Zankel, B. Kobler, and M.S. Haire, Acoustic
Surveys of Fish Distributions in the Morgantown SES Intake Embayment,
Environmental Technology Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, MT-77-1,
May 1977
NTIS No. PB-280278
15. Tibor T. Polgar, J. Kevin Summers, and Michael S. Haire, Evaluation
of the Effects of the Morgantown SES Cooling Systems on Spawning and
Nursery Areas of Representative Important Species, Environmental
Technology Center, Martin Marietta Corporation, PPSP-MP-27, October
NTIS No. PB80-111743
Cover, Chapters I-V (2.1 MB)
Appendix I Pages 1-50 (2.5 MB)
Appendix I Pages 51-95
(2.3 MB)
16. A.F. Holland, et al., Interim Report for Long-Term Benthic
Monitoring Programs in the Vicinities of the Morgantown and Calvert
Cliffs Power Plants, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta Corporation,
MT-81-1 (CC-81-2), May 1981
NTIS No. PB81-213993
R. Paul
1. Evaluation of R. Paul Smith Power Station Thermal Discharge
Effects on Fish and Benthic Communities, Final Report, Texas Instruments,
Inc., RPS-80-1, June 1980
NTIS No. PB80-221856
2. Evaluation of R. Paul Smith Steam Electric Station Thermal
Discharge Effects on Benthic Communities, Spring 1980, Texas Instruments,
Inc., RPS-80-2, September 1980
NTIS No. PB81-169161
3. Evaluation of R. Paul Smith Steam Electric Station Thermal
Discharge Effects on Finfish and Macroinvertebrate Communities, Summer/Fall
1980, Ecological Services, Texas Instruments, Inc., RPS-81-1,
February 1981
NTIS No. PB81-186710
4. Anthony J. Janicki, George F. Johnson, Richard N. Ross, and J.
Kevin Summers, Impact Assessment Report: R. Paul Smith Steam Electric
Station Aquatic Monitoring Program, Environmental Center, Martin
Marietta Corp., RPS-81-2, (2 Volumes), June 1981:
Volume 1 -- Text; NTIS No. PB81-228132
Cover pages, and Chp I-III
(1.5 MB)
Chp IV and V, and Chp VI pgs
1-10 (1.1 MB)
Chp VI pgs 11-29, Chp VII,
and Chp VIII (1.1 MB)
Volume 2 -- Appendices; NTIS No. PB81-228140
Cover pages, and Appendix
A pgs 1-50 (1.5 MB)
Appendix A pgs 51-95 (1.1 MB)
Appendix A pgs 96-114, and
Appendix B pgs 1-40 (1.1 MB)
Appendix B pgs 41-88 (1.0 MB)
Appendix B pgs 89-93, and
Appendix C pgs 1-47 (1.5 MB)
Appendix C pgs 48-102
(717 KB)
Appendix C pgs 103-145, and
Appendix D pgs 1-9 (1.5 MB)
Appendix D pgs 10-59 (1.1 MB)
Appendix D pgs 60-104
(1.1 MB)
Appendix D pgs 105-143, and
References (1.0 MB)
5. L.E. Koontz and J.K. Summers, R.P. Smith Monitoring Program
Data Directory 1979-1980, Environmental Center, Martin Marietta
Corporation, RPS-81-3, August 1981
1. Charles L. White, Air Quality Measurements at the Perryman
Power Plant, December 1975 - January 1976, Environmental Measurements,
Inc., PPMP-21, 1976
H.A. Wagner
1. Jeffrey C. Weil, Analysis of Air Quality and Meteorological
Data from H.A. Wagner Power Plant Study, Research Inst. for Advanced
Studies, Martin Marietta Corporation, PPM-2, September 1972
2. K.L. Heck, R.J. Horowitz, M.F. Hirshfield, and J.H. Hixson,Benthic
and Fish Studies to Assess Thermal Impacts of the H.A. Wagner Steam
Electric Station - Patapsco River, Maryland - 1980-1981, Academy
of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, W-81-1, November 13, 1981. NTIS
No. PB82-143876
3. Kenneth L. Heck and Richard W. Osman, Benthic
Studies to Assess Thermal Impacts of the H.A. Wagner Steam Electric
Station - Patapsco River, Maryland: June 1981 - February 1982,
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, W-82-1, June 15, 1982.
NTIS No. PB83-104539